  • Music wellbeing – AIGC

    - by ASPA

    “I can’t imagine a better place for her to learn how music brings people together, creating social harmony and healing for both performers and their audiences. Everything we teach her to value in life is echoed in and complemented by … View Full Post

  • Challenge and opportunity – AIGC

    - by ASPA

    “She thrives on the technical challenges; the diverse repertoire and the performance opportunities which complement her regular schooling.”… View Full Post

  • Excellent Reputation – AIGC

    - by ASPA

    “We enrol our daughter because we believe in the high quality music expertise of the tutors as well as the very good reputation of AGC in building a generation of confident, fun-loving, and responsible youth.”… View Full Post

  • Singing and so much more – AIGC

    - by ASPA

    “I had wanted to enrol my daughter primarily for the music education and to foster an enjoyment of singing and performing, however it turned out to be so much more than that – character building, engaging, and confidence boosting as … View Full Post

  • Confident – AIGC

    - by ASPA

    “It has been wonderful to see her grow from a shy little girl into a confident young woman who just loves to perform in front of an audience.”… View Full Post